Our Services
We have over 25 years of creating events and integrating physical theatre and circus into live performance and can supply a range of services to support your creative needs.

We love to make work and collaboration is at the very heart of what we do! We are interested in what is unique in a group and ways to make this shine. We love powerful stories and the process of bringing these to life in an original and exciting way, and welcome opportunities to develop work with and for others.
If you have a project you feel would work well in collaboration, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

Creative support and consultation
We have a long history of creating work for some of the largest international companies and can offer support to your projects and shows in a range of ways.
Auditioning and casting
Comedy direction
Circus arts
Contemporary dance and movement
Performer training
Wrap-around learning and facilitation packages
Stage and company management
If you would like to speak to us about how we can support your creative process, please get in touch for a chat.

Circus consultation
Thinking about experimenting with circus arts for the first time?
We can offer a consultation service to help you navigate your way through skill development, equipment, health and safety and other aspects of creating circus arts theatre.
Contact our team for a chat to find out if we can help.

We have seen first-hand how the arts can build life skills for those in other walks of life and are passionate about this form of partnership.
We can create bespoke and playful experiences for your staff, using theatre games and problem-solving activities, to support CPD.
Some of the areas we specialise in are listed below, but if there is something in particular you would like to offer your teams, please get in touch to discuss your needs.
Confidence and public speaking
Team building and leadership
Building a Coaching culture.
Developing effective training opportunities.